HomeLinuxHow to install unimap on Linux

How to install unimap on Linux

install unimap is very easy and in this post, we are going to see how to install unimap easily and in a very short time.

What is Unimap?

Scan only once by IP address and reduce scan times with Nmap for large amounts of data. Unimap is an abbreviation of “Unique Nmap Scan“

Why we use unimap?

If you want to execute a Nmap scan throughout an entire business, keep in mind that tens, hundreds, or even thousands of subdomains will very certainly refer to the same IP address, making it nearly hard to continue searching. Additionally, your IP address may be restricted as a result of numerous scans to the same remote host address, among other reasons.

How this work’s?

Unimap uses its own technology to initially resolve the IP addresses of all subdomains, once this process is finished, it creates a vector with the unique IP addresses and launches a parallel scan with Nmap according to the number of threads that the user has configured, at the same time, it analyzes the data from the files created with Nmap to find out which information corresponds to each IP.

Finally, Unimap relates the information of each of the IPs associated with the subdomains. So, for example, if you have 50 subdomains that point to the same IP, you will only do one Nmap scan but you will have all the data associated with each of the subdomains at the same time, in a large scan it saves days or weeks.

Install Unimap on linux?

Step 1: You begin by downloading Unimap using the git command. Following the order.

					git clone https://github.com/Edu4rdSHL/unimap
How to install unimap on Linux
Output for downloading the unimap tool

Step 2: Change your directory to unimap tool after downloading it.

					cd unimap
How to install unimap on Linux
Output for changing the directory

Step3: Now we need to install the cargo packge so please execute the below command.

					sudo apt-get install cargo
How to install unimap on Linux
Output for installing the cargo package

Step 4: Once you installed the crgo package just build it with following command.

					cargo build --release
How to install unimap on Linux
Output for building the cargo tool

How to use unimap?

Unimap requires root/administrator privileges to launch Nmap TCP SYN (Stealth) Scan, we use it for accuracy and performance reasons. If you are on Linux or Linux-based, just use a root shell or run the tool with sudo, in Windows you can open a Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator and run the tool as usual.

Flags doesn’t require/accept values.

–fast-scanUse fast scanning for ports (no version detection) and just scan the top 1000 ports.
-o, –outputWrite to an output file. The name of the output file will be unimap-log-$date.
-k, –keep-nmap-logsKeep Nmap XML files created in the logs/ folder for every scanned IP. This data will be useful for other tasks.

Options require values.

–resolversPath to a file (or files) containing a list of DNS IP address. If no specified then 1.6k of built-in valid DNS servers from public-dns.info are used.
-f, –fileUse a list of targets writen in a file as input.
–iportInitial port if you want to scan a custom range.
–lportLast port if you want to scan a custom range.
–logs-dirPath to save the CSV data of the process. Usefull when doing automated scans with the -o option.
–min-rateControls Nmap’s –min-rate. Default to 30000.
-t, –targetHost if you want to scan only one and extract the interesting data.
–threadsNumber of threads. Have in mind that the same number of Nmap scans will be started at time. Default to 30.
-u, –unique-outputWrite output to an specified filename.


  1. unimap -f targets.txt -u log.csv performs an full scan and write output to log.csv.
  2. unimap -f targets.txt –fast-scan -o performs an fast scan and save the logfile to logs/ folder.
  3. sudo unimap -f targets.txt –iport 1 –lport 1000 –min-rate 1000 scan ports from 1-1000 doing service and versions detection (if you want a fast scan use the –fast-scan flag) with an min-rate of 1000.


  1. Unimap is preconfigured to run on faster networks (cloud VPS), if you run a scan in a home network that doesn’t have too much capacity you will end up disconnected from network.
  2. The previously doesn’t mean you can not use Unimap from your home, just adjust the number of –threads and –min-rate (being it the most important).
  3. We do not wrap Nmap in any way or scan ports on our own, we use the right Nmap options to get the most performance, Nmap rocks and it’s the faster ports scanner that currently exists.
  4. We parse Nmap output data and give you more understandable output while also preventing you to scan the same IP several times, it’s our main goal .

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