HomeLinuxFastSSH Scan and BruteForcer against SSH protocol

FastSSH Scan and BruteForcer against SSH protocol

FastSSH is a powerful shell script that allows you to perform multi-threaded scans and brute force attacks against the SSH protocol using commonly used credentials. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of installing and using the FastSSH on your Linux system.

Install FastSSH tool

Installing this tool on Linux is very easy, but before installing this tool you should need to install both packages sshpass and Netcat. So execute the below command.

					sudo apt-get install sshpass
sudo apt-get instll netcat
FastSSH Scan and BruteForcer against SSH protocol
Output for installing the sshpass

Step 1: Clone The Repository

The first step is to clone the Fast SSH repository from GitHub. Open your terminal and run the following command:

					git clone https://github.com/Z4nzu/fastssh.git
FastSSH Scan and BruteForcer against SSH protocol
Output for downloading the fastssh tool

This will create a new directory named ‘fast ssh‘ in your current location.

Step 2: Change Directory

Once the cloning process is complete, navigate to the ‘fastssh‘ directory by running the following command: 

					cd fastssh
FastSSH Scan and BruteForcer against SSH protocol
Output for changing the directory

Step 3: Set Permission

Before you can execute the Fast SSH script, you need to set the appropriate permissions. Run the following command:

					chmod +x fastssh.sh
FastSSH Scan and BruteForcer against SSH protocol
Output for set permission

Step 4: Run The Tool

Now, you are ready to run the Fast SSH script. Execute the following command:

					bash fastssh.sh
FastSSH Scan and BruteForcer against SSH protocol
Output for running the tool

That’s it, this is the easy way to install this tool.

How to use FastSSH tool

FastSSH provides various options to perform scans and brute force attacks against SSH servers. Here are a few examples:

To scan a single IP address, use the ‘–scan‘ option followed by the IP address. For example

					bash fastssh.sh --scan
FastSSH Scan and BruteForcer against SSH protocol
Output for scanning the single ip address

To perform a brute force attack against an SSH server, use the ‘–bruteforcer‘ option followed by the IP address and the path to the password file. For example

					bash fastssh.sh --bruteforcer passwords.txt

FastSSH Scan and BruteForcer against SSH protocol
Running the bruteforce attack against ssh protocol

Protecting Your Website Against FastSSH

FastSSH can be a powerful tool in the wrong hands. To protect your website against FastSSH attacks, implement the following measures:

  • Use strong and unique passwords for SSH authentication.
  • Disable password-based authentication and use key-based authentication instead.
  • Implement rate limiting to prevent multiple failed login attempts.
  • Regularly update your SSH server software to patch any security vulnerabilities.
  • Monitor your server logs for any suspicious activity.

I hope I have fully informed you about this FastSSH tool and if you have any doubts about this tool or know of a better tool let me know through the command section.


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