HomePHISHINGAutophisher - automated phishing toolkit

Autophisher – automated phishing toolkit

Autophisher is a powerful tool designed to perform phishing attacks for educational and testing purposes. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing and using Autophisher from its GitHub repository.

How to install and use autophisher

Installing and using the autophisher tool is very simple. However, let’s see how to install it simply without any errors.

In this post, we will see how to install and use the autophisher tool in Termux. But we can install and use this tool on Linux and Windows using the same termux method.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

To get started, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to install Autophisher. Then, run the following command to clone the repository.

					git clone https://github.com/CodingRanjith/autophisher.git
Autophisher – automated phishing toolkit
Output for downloading the autophisher tool on termux

Step 2: Change the Directory

Once the repository is cloned, navigate into the Autophisher directory by running.

					cd autophisher
Autophisher – automated phishing toolkit
Output for changing the directory

Step 3: Give Permission

Now we need to give read, write and executable permission to autophisher.sh bash script so execute the below command.

					chmod +x autophisher.sh
Autophisher – automated phishing toolkit
output for give permission to autophisher bash script

Step 4: Run the Tool

To start the phishing server, run the following command.

					bash autophisher.sh
Autophisher – automated phishing toolkit
Output for run the autophisher tool

Step 5: Make a Phishing Link

After running the tool, You will see a prompt asking you to enter the number of the phishing page. Provide a number and press Enter.

After choosing the phishing page you want, then we need to choose port forwarding options. I recommended Cloudflare

Autophisher – automated phishing toolkit

After choosing the port forwarding option, you will get phishing link

Autophisher – automated phishing toolkit
Output for getting the phishing link

Step 6: Capture the Credentials

When the target receives the phishing link and clicks on the link, they will be redirected to the phishing page. Any credentials entered on this page will be captured and stored in the “credentials.txt” file in the Autophisher directory.

Autophisher – automated phishing toolkit
Output for getting the victim details

That’s it, it’s a simple process to install and use this tool. If you have any doubts about this, please watch the video below.

I hope you find this post useful. And if you have any doubts about this post you can ask me through the below command section.


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