HomeLinuxHow to Change MAC Address on Linux

How to Change MAC Address on Linux

Have you ever wanted to change the MAC address on your Linux system? Maybe you need to troubleshoot network issues or you simply want to protect your privacy. Whatever the reason may be, changing the MAC address on Linux is a relatively simple process that can be done with a few commands.

Step 1: Check Current MAC Address

The first step before changing the MAC address is to check the current MAC address of your Linux system. To do this, open a terminal and type the following command:

					sudo ifconfig
How to Change MAC Address on Linux
Output for checking the mac address

Look for the network interface you want to change, such as eth0 or wlan0, and note down its MAC address.

Step 2: Disable Network Interface

Before changing the MAC address, you need to disable the network interface. This can be done using the following command:

					sudo ifconfig [interface] down
How to Change MAC Address on Linux
Output for disable the network interface

Replace [interface] with the name of your network interface, such as eth0 or wlan0.

Step 3: Change MAC Address On Linux

Now that the network interface is disabled, you can change its MAC address. There are several ways to do this, but we will cover the two most common methods:

Method 1: Using ifconfig

Run the following command in the terminal to change the MAC address:

					sudo ifconfig [interface] hw ether [new_mac_address]

Replace [interface] with the name of your network interface, such as eth0 or wlan0. Replace [new_mac_address] with the desired MAC address.

Method 2: Using Macchanger

If you don’t have the ifconfig command, you can install macchanger by running the following command:

					sudo apt-get install macchanger
How to Change MAC Address on Linux
Output for installing the mcchanger tool

Once macchanger is installed, you can change the MAC address by running the following command:

					sudo macchanger -m [new_mac_address] [interface]

Replace [new_mac_address] with the desired MAC address and [interface] with the name of your network interface.

Step 4: Enable Network Interface

After changing the MAC address, you need to enable the network interface again. Run the following command in the terminal:

Replace [interface] with the name of your network interface.

					sudo ifconfig [interface] up
How to Change MAC Address on Linux
Output for enble the network interface

Step 5: Verify MAC Address Change

To ensure that the MAC address has been successfully changed, run the following command in the terminal:

					ifconfig [interface] | grep ether

Replace [interface] with the name of your network interface. The output should display the new MAC address.

Changing the MAC address on a Linux machine can be a useful technique for various purposes. Whether you want to enhance your privacy or bypass network restrictions, following the steps outlined in this blog post will help you achieve your goal. Remember to use this knowledge responsibly and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


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