HomeLinuxWeeman: A Powerful Tool for WebPage Cloning

Weeman: A Powerful Tool for WebPage Cloning

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Phishing is a malicious activity in which attackers try to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by disguising themselves as a trustworthy entity. While phishing is illegal and unethical, it is important for individuals to be aware of the techniques used by attackers in order to protect themselves and their personal information.

What is Weeman Tool?

Weeman is a Python-based tool that allows users to easily create phishing pages. It is designed to be simple and user-friendly, making it accessible even for those with minimal technical knowledge. With Weeman, anyone can create a convincing phishing page that looks identical to a legitimate website.


User-Friendly Interface: This tool has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use, even for beginners. The tool is designed to simplify the process of web page cloning and phishing, allowing users to quickly set up their attack campaigns.

Customizable Templates: With This tool, you can easily create customized templates for your phishing campaigns. This feature allows you to make your cloned web pages look authentic and increase the chances of success.

Real-Time Data Capture: This tool has the ability to capture real-time data from the cloned web pages. This means that when a user enters their login credentials or personal information, you will be able to capture and store it for analysis.

Phishing Attack Analytics: One of the standout features of Wee-man is its built-in analytics tool. This allows you to track the success rate of your phishing attacks, analyze the data captured, and make improvements to your campaigns.

Compatibility: This tool is compatible with a wide range of platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This makes it accessible to a large community of users and ensures that you can use it on your preferred operating system.

Install weeman tool on termux

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment application that allows you to run command-line programs. With Termux, you have the flexibility to use various tools like Weeman to enhance your ethical hacking skills.

Step 1: Updtate and upgrade packages

Launch Termux and run the following commands to update and upgrade the installed packages:

					apt update && apt upgrade

Step 2: Install required Dependencies

Weeman requires Python and Git to run. Install them by running the following command:

					pkg install python && pkg install python2 && pkg install git && pip2 install beautifulsoup

Step 3: Clone the weeman repository

Use Git to clone the Wee-man repository from GitHub:

					git clone https://github.com/samyoyo/weeman.git
Weeman: A Powerful Tool for WebPage Cloning
Output for downloading the weeman tool on termux

Step 4: Navigate to the weeman directory

Change the current directory to the Wee-man directory:

					cd weeman
Weeman: A Powerful Tool for WebPage Cloning
Output for changing the directory

Step 5: Run weeman

You are now ready to run Wee-man. Execute the following command:

					python2 weeman.py
Weeman: A Powerful Tool for WebPage Cloning
Output for executing the weeman tool on termux

That’s it! You have successfully installed Wee-man on your Termux terminal. You can now use Wee-man to simulate phishing attacks or test the security of your own website.

Install weeman tool on Linux

Installing the Required Dependencies : Before installing Wee-man, make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed on your Linux machine. Open the terminal and run the following command:

					sudo apt-get install python2 && sudo apt-get install python2-pip && sudo apt-get install git

Cloning the Weeman Repository: Once the dependencies are installed, you can clone the Wee-man repository from GitHub. In the terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository and run the following command:

					git clone https://github.com/samyoyo/weeman.git
Weeman: A Powerful Tool for WebPage Cloning
Output for downloading the weeman tool on linux

Installing Weeman: After cloning the repository, navigate to the Wee-man directory by running the following command:

					cd weeman

Once you are inside the Wee-man directory, you can install This tool by running the following command:

					python2 weeman.py
Weeman: A Powerful Tool for WebPage Cloning
Output for executing the weeman tool on linux

Creating a phishing page

Now that Weeman is installed and configured, you can create a phishing page. Wee-man supports various templates for popular websites like Facebook, Google, and Twitter. To create a phishing page for a specific website, use the following command:

					set url (website URL)
set ip (your ip address)
set port (your port)
set action_url (website URL)

This will start the Wee-man server and display the phishing URL. Copy the URL and share it with your target.

Weeman: A Powerful Tool for WebPage Cloning
Output for creating a phishing page

When the target enters their credentials on the phishing page, Weeman will capture the information and display it in your terminal.


While Weeman provides a simple way to create phishing pages, it is important to remember that phishing is unethical and illegal. This guide is intended for educational purposes only, to raise awareness about the techniques used by attackers. By understanding how phishing works, individuals can better protect themselves and their personal information from falling into the wrong hands.


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