HomeTERMUX TOOLUscrapper - The Ultimate Web Scraping Tool

Uscrapper – The Ultimate Web Scraping Tool

Uscrapper 2.0 is a powerful OSINT web scraper tool that allows users to extract various personal information from websites. It leverages web scraping techniques and regular expressions to extract email addresses, social media links, author names, geolocations, phone numbers, and usernames from both hyperlinked and non-hyperlinked sources on the webpage.

U-scrapper 2.0 supports multithreading to make the scraping process faster and is equipped with advanced anti-web scraping bypassing modules. It also supports web crawling to scrape from various sublinks within the same domain.


Uscrapper comes packed with a wide range of features that make web scraping a breeze. Some of its notable features include:

  • Easy installation on Termux
  • User-friendly interface
  • Support for various data formats
  • Advanced data extraction techniques
  • Customizable scraping parameters

How to install Uscrapper tool on termux?

Installing the u-scrapper tool in Termux is easy, but let’s see how easily it can be installed step by step.

Step 1: Update and Upgrade Package

Before installing this tool, you must update your Termux package. So type the given command in Termux and update to the current version.

					pkg update && pkg upgrade -y

Step 2: Clone the Repository

After the package update process is complete, execute the below command to clone the u-scrapper tool to Termux.

					git clone https://github.com/z0m31en7/Uscrapper.git
Uscrapper – The Ultimate Web Scraping Tool

Step 3: Navigate to the Directory

After completing the downloading, Navigate to the Uscrapper directory by running the command:

					cd Uscrapper
Uscrapper – The Ultimate Web Scraping Tool
Output for changing the directory

Step 4: Install the Tool

Now open the “install” folder in the uscrapper directory and run the install.sh bash script inside it to install this tool.

					cd install
bash install.sh
Uscrapper – The Ultimate Web Scraping Tool
Output for installing the tool

After the u-scrapper tool installation is complete, again navigate the uscrapper directory by executing the following command.

					cd ..
Uscrapper – The Ultimate Web Scraping Tool
Output for back to the uscrapper directory

Step 5: Scraping the website

You can now start scraping websites. Use the command below to scrape a website:

					python uscrapper.py -u [URL]

Replace [URL] with the URL of the website you want to scrape. Uscrapper provides various options and flags to customize your scraping process. Refer to the help menu for more details.

-h, --helpShow this help message and exit
-u, --urlURL of the website
-o, --generte-reportGenerate a report
-ns, --nonstrictDisplay non-strict username (my show inaccurte results)
-c, --crawlSpecifymax number of links to crawl nd scrape within the same scope
-t, --threadsNumber of threads to utilize while crawling (default=4)
Uscrapper – The Ultimate Web Scraping Tool
Output for scrpping the website detailes

That’s it, here’s the easy way to install uscrpper tool.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Uscrapper offers several advantages that make it a preferred choice for web scraping:

  • Highly customizable: Uscrapper allows users to fine-tune their scraping parameters to extract the exact data they need.
  • Easy to use: With its user-friendly interface, Uscrapper makes web scraping accessible to users of all skill levels.
  • Support for various data formats: Uscrapper supports exporting data in formats such as CSV, JSON, and Excel, making it easy to integrate the scraped data into other applications.

However, it’s important to consider the following disadvantages before using Uscrapper:

  • Legal implications: Web scraping may be subject to legal restrictions depending on the website’s terms of service and the jurisdiction you operate in.
  • Dependency on website structure: Uscrapper’s effectiveness depends on the structure and layout of the website you are scraping. Changes in the website’s structure may require adjustments to the scraping parameters.

That’s it! You have successfully installed and started using Uscrapper on Termux. With its powerful capabilities, Uscrapper opens up a world of possibilities for web scraping on your Android device.


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