HomeTERMUX TOOLAdminHack - Find the Admin Panel of a Website

AdminHack – Find the Admin Panel of a Website

Have you ever wondered how hackers are able to gain unauthorized access to the admin panel of a website? Well, one of the tools they use is AdminHack, a powerful tool available on GitHub. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing AdminHack on Termux, a popular Android terminal emulator, and show you how to use it to Find the admin panel of a website.

The first step is to install Termux on your Android device. Termux is a powerful terminal emulator that allows you to run Linux commands on your Android device. You can download Termux from the F-Droid Store.

Install AdminHack Tool in Termux

Step 1: Update Termux

Once you have installed Termux, open the app and run the following command to update the package repository:

					apt update

After the package repository is updated, run the following command to upgrade the installed packages:

					apt upgrade

Step 2: Download the Repository

Now that Termux is Update, we can proceed with download the AdminHack. Run the following command to clone the Admin-Hack repository from GitHub:

					git clone https://github.com/mishakorzik/AdminHack.git
AdminHack – Find the Admin Panel of a Website
Output for downloading the tool

Step 3: Navigate the Directory

Once the cloning process is complete, navigate to the AdminHack directory by running the following command:

					cd AdminHack
AdminHack – Find the Admin Panel of a Website
Output for changing the directory

Step 4: Install The Tool

Next, run the following command to install the required dependencies:

					bash install.sh
AdminHack – Find the Admin Panel of a Website
Output for instlling the adminhack tool

Step 5: Find The Adminpanel

With AdminHack properly Installed, we can now use it to find the admin panel of a website. Run the following command to start the finding process:

AdminHack – Find the Admin Panel of a Website
Output for executin the tool to find the adminpanel

AdminHack is a powerful tool that can be used to find the admin panel of a website. However, it is important to note that hacking into someone else’s website without their permission is illegal and unethical. This guide is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used for any malicious activities. Always seek proper authorization before attempting any security testing or penetration testing on a website.


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