HomePASSWORD CRACKINGInstaHack the best Bruteforce tool

InstaHack the best Bruteforce tool

InstaHack is a shell-based script designed for Instagram account hacking through the Bruteforce technique. It comes with its predefined passwords, but you can customize them using nano. InstaHack is compatible with Termux and Parrot OS.

Install Requirements

First, you need to install the necessary packages on Termux. Open the Termux app and run the following commands

					pkg install openssl-tool
pkg install tor
InstaHack the best Bruteforce tool
Output for installing the openssl-tool

Install instahack on termux

Installing the Instahack tool is very simple, however, let’s see how to install this tool without any errors.

Step 1: Clone The Repository

In Termux, you can clone the Insta-Hack repository by running the following command

					git clone https://github.com/r0cketp0wer/InstaHack.git
InstaHack the best Bruteforce tool
Output for downloading the instahack tool

Step 2: Change the Directory

After cloning the repository, navigate to the InstaHack directory using the following command

					cd InstaHack
InstaHack the best Bruteforce tool
Output for changing the directory

Step 3: Change Permissions

Change the permissions of the insta.sh file to make it executable by running the following command

					chmod +x insta.sh

Step 4: Run The Tor

Now open a new terminal in your termux and run tor.

InstaHack the best Bruteforce tool
Output for running the tor tool

Step 5: Run the Tool

Now return to the instahack directory and type the following command to execute the tool

					bash insta.sh
InstaHack the best Bruteforce tool
output for executing the instahack tool

After executing the tool, type your target instagram username. Load the password file and hit enter button to start the attack.

InstaHack the best Bruteforce tool
Output for starting the bruteforce attack

That’s it. This is the simple way to install and use this tool on termux. if you not understand this procedure please watch the below video.

[presto_player id=2671]

Thank you so much for reading this post. I hope you find this post very useful. If you have any doubts about this post you can ask me through the command section given below.


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