HomeLinuxGuide to Installing and Using Routersploit

Guide to Installing and Using Routersploit

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity has become a top priority for individuals and organizations alike. With the increasing number of attacks targeting routers, it is crucial to have robust security measures in place. Routersploit is an open-source framework that helps in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in routers.

  1. Exploits – modules that take advantage of identified vulnerabilities

  2. Creds – modules designed to test credentials against network services

  3. Scanners – modules that check if a target is vulnerable to any exploit

  4. Payloads – modules that are responsible for generating payloads for various architectures and injection points

  5. Generic – modules that perform generic attacks

How to install Routersploit on Linux

Installing Router-sploit is a relatively simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: First, make sure you have Python installed on your system. Routersploit requires Python 2.7.

					sudo apt install python

Step 2: After completing the python installetion download the Routersploit tool so type the below command.

					git clone https://github.com/threat9/routersploit
Guide to Installing and Using Routersploit
Output for downloading the routersploit tool

Step 2: Navigate to the Router-sploit directory using the command

					cd routersploit
Guide to Installing and Using Routersploit
Output for changing the directory

Step 3: Install the required dependencies by running the command

					pip install -r requirements.txt
Guide to Installing and Using Routersploit
Output for installing the requirements

That’s it, this is the easy way to install router-sploit tool. Also same procedure is to install this tool on Termux but you must root your Android phone.


Once Routersploit is installed, you can start using it to test the security of routers. Here are some common use cases:

Scan for Vulnerabilities: Router-sploit allows you to scan a network for vulnerable routers. Use the command python rsf.py to launch the Routersploit framework. From there, you can select the option to scan for vulnerabilities.

					python rsf.py
Guide to Installing and Using Routersploit
Output for executing the routersploit tool

Exploit Vulnerabilities: If a vulnerable router is detected, Router-sploit provides a range of exploits that can be used to compromise the device. These exploits are organized by vendor and device type, making it easy to find the appropriate exploit for a specific router.

Perform Penetration Testing: Routersploit also offers features for performing penetration testing on routers. This includes the ability to launch various attacks, such as brute forcing passwords or conducting Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks.

Best Practices

While Routersploit can be a valuable tool for testing the security of routers, it is essential to use it responsibly and ethically. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Always obtain proper authorization before testing the security of any network or device.
  2. Only test routers that you own or have explicit permission to test.
  3. Keep Routersploit updated by regularly checking for new versions and applying updates.
  4. Ensure that you have a good understanding of the potential impact of any exploit before using it.
  5. Document and report any vulnerabilities you discover to the appropriate parties.


Routersploit is a powerful tool for assessing the security of routers. By following the installation and usage guidelines outlined in this guide, you can leverage Routersploit to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen the security of your network. Remember to always use this tool responsibly and ethically to contribute to a safer digital environment.


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