HomeTERMUX TOOLIP-Tracer Track any IP address

IP-Tracer Track any IP address

Are you curious about the location of an IP address? Do you want to track the origin of an email or a suspicious website? Look no further! In this guide, we will show you how to install and use IP-Tracer on Termux, a powerful tool that allows you to trace the location of any IP address.

What is IP-Tracer?

IP Tracer is an open-source tool developed by Rajkumar Dusad that allows you to track the geographical location of an IP address. It provides detailed information such as the country, region, city, latitude, longitude, and even the ISP of the target IP.

Install and usage of IPTracer

Step 1: Update and Upgrade Packages

Before installing IP Tracer, it’s a good idea to update and upgrade the packages in Termux. Run the following commands:

					pkg update && pkg upgrade

Step 2: Install Required Dependencies

IP-Tracer requires some dependencies to be installed in order to work correctly. Run the following command to install the required dependencies:

					pkg install python && pkg install git && pkg install php

Step 3: Clone IP-Tracer Repository

Next, you need to clone the IP-Tracer repository from GitHub. Run the following command to clone the repository:

					git clone https://github.com/rajkumardusad/IP-Tracer.git
IP-Tracer Track any IP address
Output for downloading the ip-tracer tool

Step 4: Change Directory

Once the cloning process is complete, change the directory to the IP-Tracer folder by running the following command:

					cd IP-Tracer
IP-Tracer Track any IP address
Output for changing the directory

Step 5: Run IP-Tracer

Now, you can finally run IP-Tracer. To start the tool, run the following command:

					chmod +x * && bash install
IP-Tracer Track any IP address
Output for complete the installetion

Step 6: Enter IP Address

After running the install script, IP Tracer will prompt you to enter the IP address you want to track. Simply enter the IP address and press enter.

					trace -t (IP address)

Step 7: View Results

Once you have entered the IP address, IP-Tracers will gather the information and display it on your screen. You will be able to see the country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ISP, and other details related to the IP address.

IP-Tracer Track any IP address
Output for tracing the ip address

With IP-Tracers on Termux, you can easily track the location of any IP address. Whether you want to investigate a suspicious website or trace the origin of an email, this tool provides you with the necessary information. Follow the installation steps and start using IP-Tracer today!


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