HomeTERMUX TOOLSeeker Accurately Locate Smartphones

Seeker Accurately Locate Smartphones

Seeker is a powerful tool for gathering information from social media platforms. It allows you to track the location of a target by creating a phishing page for various social media platforms.

Concept behind Seeker is simple, just like we host phishing pages to get credentials why not host a fake page that requests your location like many popular location based websites.

Seeker Hosts a fake website which asks for Location Permission and if the target allows it, we can get :

  1. Longitude
  2. Latitude
  3. Accuracy
  4. Altitude – Not always available
  5. Direction – Only available if user is moving
  6. Speed – Only available if user is moving

Along with Location Information we also get Device Information without any permissions :

  1. Unique ID using Canvas Fingerprinting
  2. Device Model – Not always available
  3. Operating System
  4. Platform
  5. Number of CPU Cores – Approximate Results
  6. Amount of RAM – Approximate Results
  7. Screen Resolution
  8. GPU information
  9. Browser Name and Version
  10. Public IP Address
  11. Local IP Address
  12. Local Port

Install seeker tool on termux

Installing and using this seeker tool is very easy, however, let’s see how to install it easily without any errors.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Open your Termux terminal and run the following command

					git clone https://github.com/thewhiteh4t/seeker.git
Seeker Accurately Locate Smartphones
Output for downloding the seeker tool

Step 2: Change the directory

Navigate to the Seeker directory by running the following command

					cd seeker
Seeker Accurately Locate Smartphones
Output for changing the directory

Step 3: Install the tool

Now, execute the installation script by running the following command

					bash install.sh
Seeker Accurately Locate Smartphones
Output for installing the seeker tool on linux

That’s it, this is the easy way to install this tool without any errors.

How to Use This Tool on termux

After the installation is complete, you can launch Seeker by running the following command

					python seeker.py
Seeker Accurately Locate Smartphones
Output for executing the seeker python script

Now you can see six different phishing templates, choose the one your target likes by typing its number and pressing the enter button, and that phishing page will be hosted on your local host.

Seeker Accurately Locate Smartphones
Output for hosting the phishing page on your loclhost

Now open a new terminal in your Termux and run the Ngrok or Cloudflare tool on the same port number where the seeker phishing page is hosted. Then send the link you get to your target.

When your victim clicks on the link you sent, their location information is available on your termux.

Output for getting the victim information
[presto_player id=2504]

I hope this post is useful for you and if you have any doubts you can ask me through the below command section.


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