HomeLinuxDETNSW Phishing Login Page

DETNSW Phishing Login Page

In this post, we will look at the DETNSW Phishing tool, which is a phishing tool that is completely integrated with CSS and PHP.

The NSW Department of Education is Australia’s largest supplier of public education, responsible for providing high-quality public education to two-thirds of the state’s student population.

If you are wondering how this tool works, you must first generate a phishing page link using this tool and then send that link to your target, who may click on the link and input their login and password. You can see them by typing.

Install Detnsw phishing tool

If you need to install this programme, you must have the termux application installed on your Android or Linux computer; if you don’t have both, you may host it on the 000webhost website.

Step 1: To begin, copy and paste the following command into your terminal to download this programme in your linux or termux application.

					git clone https://github.com/ImjecAdam/DETNSW-Phishing-Login-Page.git
DETNSW Phishing Login Page
Output for downloding the DETNSW phishing tool

Step 2: To move your terminal directory to the DETNSW-Phishing-Login-Page tool directory, so enter the following command in your terminal.

					cd DETNSW-Phishing-Login-Page
DETNSW Phishing Login Page
Output for changing the directory

Step 3: After you’ve changed your directory, type the following command into your terminal to host this tool on your own server.

					php -S localhost:4444
DETNSW Phishing Login Page
Output for hosting the tool to server

Now, open your browser and type in http://localhost:4444 to see the phishing website. Important note: If you give this URL to your target while connected to the same wifi network, this phishing website will function; if your target is far away, you must utilise ngrok.

DETNSW Phishing Login Page
Output for phishing page view

You may obtain information about your target by entering their login and password into your terminal.

DETNSW Phishing Login Page
Output for getting username and password

The phishing website will redirect to the original login page when your enter the details and push the login button.

If this approach is too complex for you, you may host this tool on 000webhost, which I suggest.

I hope you found this post informative, and if you have any questions, please contact me using the form below.


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