HomeTERMUX TOOLHow to install LockPhish on Termux 2023

How to install LockPhish on Termux 2023

Lockphish is a password-grabbing phishing tool. This tool is fully integrated with HTML. What we are going to see in this post is how to install and use this tool.


  1. Lockscreen phishing page for Windows, Android, and iPhone
  2. Auto-detect device
  3. Port Forwarding by Ngrok
  4. IP Tracker

Install Lockphish Tool on Termux

Installing this tool is very simple but for this tool to work without any problem we need the help of some package First we can install that package.

php and wget packages are very important to install this tool, so install them using the below command.

					pkg install php && pkg install wget && pkg instll git && pkg install python && pkg install python2

Step 1: First of all type the command given below in your terminal and press the enter button by doing this you can download this lockphish tool in your Termux application.

					git clone https://github.com/jaykali/lockphish.git
How to install LockPhish on Termux 2023
Output for downloading the lockphish tool

Step 2: Once you’ve downloaded this utility, simply use the following command to open the lockphish folder.

					cd lockphish
How to install LockPhish on Termux 2023
Output for changing the directory

Step 3: Now, type the following command to help you launch the lockphish tool.

					bash lockphish.sh
How to install LockPhish on Termux 2023
Output for executing the lockphish tool

Step 3: This utility downloads the ngrok automatically. This ngrok utility will assist you with global port forwarding. Once this program has downloaded ngrok, you will be given a shareable URL, which you should copy.

How to install LockPhish on Termux 2023
Output for getting ngrok link

Step 4: If you copy that shareable link and send it to a victim, when the victim clicks on it, this tool will first read the victim’s mobile device and then display the lock template. If the victim enters a password, the password will be shown on our termux.

How to install LockPhish on Termux 2023
Output for victim lock screen
How to install LockPhish on Termux 2023
Output for recived victim password

I hope you find this post very useful and if you have any queries regarding this post you can ask me through below command section.


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