HomeTERMUX TOOLBash2mp4 - termux video downloader

Bash2mp4 – termux video downloader

Bash2mp4 is a termux video downloader that is fully written in bash. Using this technique, we can download over 20 social media videos.

This program is really simple to use and install. To install this tool in termux, you must first thoroughly update your Termux program (apt update) and then follow the procedures outlined below.

Insatll bash2mp4

Step 1: After updating the package’s list we will install the git package this git package will help you to clone the package.

					pkg install git

Step 2: After installing the git package we are going to clone the BASH2MP4 package into our termux application with the help of git commands.

					git clone https://github.com/htr-tech/bash2mp4
Bash2mp4 – termux video downloader
output for Downloading bash2mp4 on termux

Step 3: Now change the termux directory to tool directory so execute the below command on your terminal.

					cd bash2mp4
Bash2mp4 – termux video downloader
Output for changing the directory

Step 4: This bash script needs some permission to run on termux so run the below command to give that permission.

					chmod +x setup.sh
Bash2mp4 – termux video downloader
Output for giving the permission

Step 5: Once you complete the the above all the steps, now install that tool on your termux application.

					bash setup.sh
Bash2mp4 – termux video downloader
Output for installing that tool

How to use bash2mp4 tool on termux

The Bash2Mp4 program is very simple to use; after installation, type the following command to launch it.

Bash2mp4 – termux video downloader
Output for executing the bas2mp4 tool

Now you choose which formate of video you want. after that paste your download link and press enter button to download the video.

Bash2mp4 – termux video downloader
Output for downloading the video

After completing the downloading the video will be stored to “sdcard/B2MP4/MP4

Bash2mp4 – termux video downloader
place of video stored

Please share this content with your friends if you found it beneficial. If you have any questions, please contact me using the command area below.


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